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Lucy Maud Montgomery and Prince Edward Island

Lucy Maud Montgomery and Anne of Green Gables

When you mention Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables immediately comes to mind, and for good reason. This beloved novel not only launched Montgomery's career but also endeared the spirited red-haired orphan and her cherished Prince Edward Island to readers worldwide. First published in 1908, Anne of Green Gables became an instant bestseller. However, few know that the manuscript was initially written in 1905 and rejected by several publishers, spending a couple of years tucked away in a hat box. Thankfully, Montgomery retrieved it in 1907, and the Page Company of Boston published it the following year. Montgomery went on to write 20 more novels, all but one set on Prince Edward Island. In addition to her novels, she was a prolific writer of short stories, poems, journals, and letters, providing rich insight into her life and creative inspiration.

Photo Credit: Hiroko Suzuki for PEI Tourism

Lucy Maud Montgomery’s 150th Birthday

In 2024, Prince Edward Island is celebrating the 150th birthday of Lucy Maud Montgomery, inviting fans across the world to explore the enchanting island that inspired her literary works. I recently had the chance to experience this magic firsthand on the LM Montgomery Literary Tour, participating in special events commemorating this significant anniversary. Just days earlier, on June 27, 2024, the Royal Canadian Mint unveiled a 2024 $1 Commemorative Circulation Coin in honour of Montgomery's landmark event and enduring legacy, adding to the island's excitement. This unique coin is a must-have keepsake for fans and collectors alike.

Cavendish Shore

Fall in Love with Prince Edward Island

L. M. Montgomery fans will love exploring the inspiring places from Maud’s novels, as will anyone familiar with Anne of Green Gables. This literary tour offers something for everyone. Montgomery’s legacy is rooted in her love for Prince Edward Island, and you, too, will fall in love with the island she described in brilliant hues of ruby, emerald, and sapphire.

The Inspiring World of L. M. Montgomery Literary Tour

The Inspiring World of L. M. Montgomery Literary Tour invites islanders and visitors from around the globe to discover the heart of the places that ignited Montgomery’s creative spirit. Whether you have a few hours, a full day, or several days, there are countless ways to delve into the sites and experiences that brought her stories to life. Join me as I journey through Anne’s Land, from Cavendish and beyond uncovering Montgomery’s profound connections to this picturesque landscape. Plan your visit to breathe in the fresh air, gaze upon the stunning vistas, and walk the serene trails. Immerse yourself in the world that Montgomery drew from to craft the enduring novels we cherish.

Montgomery Park

The Literary Tour is the perfect way to explore Prince Edward Island through the eyes of L.M. Montgomery as a young child into her adulthood and the best place to begin is at Montgomery Park. View A Glimpse of Beauty Bronze Sculpture, conceptually designed by Grace Curtis, and sculpted & cast by Nathan Scott. Curtis described her inspiration which gives the viewer a whole new appreciation for this sculpture: I hoped to portray Montgomery in her late 20s, during the time she lived in Cavendish and was inspired to write Anne of Green Gables. A Glimpse of Beauty depicts Montgomery taking on a posture of awe in a moment of pure inspiration. She wrote about this creative moment and called it “the Flash". Inspired by the beauty of nature, she lifts her head heavenward to take a deep breath, to take it all in; in part, a moment of joy, and in part, an acknowledgement of the gift of creativity she has been given… I later learned that Montgomery herself experienced this moment.” While in the park, take a few moments to search out the cats hiding in plain sight. It was a well-known fact that Montgomery loved cats so it is a good bit of fun thrown into the displays. From Montgomery Park follow the short path to Montgomery’s Cavendish home.

L. M. Montgomery Bookstore

L. M. Montgomery’s Cavendish Home

Welcome to the hallowed grounds of L. M. Montgomery’s Cavendish Home, also known as the Macneil Homestead. Designated as a Canadian Historic Site, this property invites you to walk the paths and imagine young Maud beside you, guiding the way. Hear her whispers in the wind, envision her view from her bedroom window, and sit under the apple tree where she once did. Montgomery lived here for 37 years with her maternal grandparents, Alexander and Lucy Macneill, from the age of 21 months until her grandmother's passing in 1911. It's easy to draw parallels to Anne Shirley of Anne of Green Gables. The kitchen, still intact, also served as a community post office, where Maud worked and wrote several of her novels.

The Macneil Homestead

At the Macneil Homestead, L. M. Montgomery penned Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, Kilmeny of the Orchard, and The Story Girl, along with hundreds of short stories and poems. David Macneil was tending the flowers when I first arrived onsite. He explained his connection to Lucy Maud Montgomery: “Her grandparents were my great-great-grandparents.” In 1985, when Montgomery’s journals were released, David’s parents, John and Jennie Macneill, restored this property to honour her life and works. I could see the pride in David’s eyes as he tidied the yard. Though I wish I had captured a photo, I sensed that David prefers to quietly witness visitors soaking up the magic of this special place.

Photo Credit: Hannah Joy Stoltz

Photo Credit: Denise Bruce

Photo Credit: Hannah Joy Stoltz

Maud’s Photo Rambles

One of the Montgomery 150 activities I thoroughly enjoyed was Maud's Photo Rambles with Photographer Ian Carter. We met at Montgomery Park and walked the path to the homestead, as Ian shared fascinating insights, tidbits of information and samples of Montgomery’s photographs. Learning about Lucy Maud Montgomery's passion for photography made me feel deeply connected to her—perhaps you might even say “kindred spirits.” Join Ian on Thursday mornings this summer for a leisurely reminiscence. Enjoy stories and be inspired to capture your own photographs of the places that inspired Montgomery’s writing and photography. Afterward, visit the bookstore to view artifacts from the original homestead and Cavendish Post Office, and pick up a book or a treasured keepsake.

Cavendish Post Office

Visit Cavendish Post Office for an fascinating display that follows Montgomery’s manuscripts through the postal system and showcases artifacts from the collection of the Canadian Museum of History that illustrates her work as assistant postmaster. Taking advantage of her job, Montgomery discretely mailed the manuscript of her most famous novel, Anne of Green Gables and the rest, as they say… is history, or her story.

Cavendish United Church

Resting Place of L. M. Montgomery, Cavendish Cemetary

L. M. Montgomery Inspiring Places

Many of L. M. Montgomery’s inspiring places are nearby and worth a visit. The suggested Cavendish Walking Tour includes: Montgomery Park, L.M. Montgomery’s Cavendish Home, Cavendish United Church, Cavendish Post Office, Cavendish Cemetery, The Haunted Wood, Green Gables, and Lover’s Lane. Depending on your curiosity, it takes between 3-5 hours to complete. For those seeking a detailed historic perspective, more information is available on the LM Montgomery Literary Tour website. I thoroughly enjoyed visiting each site on the Cavendish Walking Tour, along with additional inspiring places and related experiences that offered a deeper glimpse into Montgomery’s life. I spent four days and three nights exploring, and I still didn’t see it all. However, I got a wonderful taste that has whet my appetite to return and explore more. Read about the self-guided experiences and download the map to plan your personal itinerary. Enjoy my photographic journey, then make a list of your must-see points of interest. 

Haunted Wood Trail

Enjoy a walk along the Haunted Wood Trail that leads to Green Gables Heritage Place. Montgomery wrote about this spruce grove in Anne of Green Gables. “Diana and I just imagined the wood was haunted… A haunted wood is so very romantic, Marilla. We chose the spruce grove because it’s so gloomy. Oh, we have imagined the most harrowing things.” (Anne of Green Gables Chapter 20). Do you dare walk the Haunted Wood Trail? It is deliciously, romantically spooky.

Lover’s Lane

Experience the enchanting allure of Lover’s Lane, a place that captured the heart of Anne of Green Gables and its creator, L.M. Montgomery. This magical path is one of Montgomery’s most cherished retreats. It is a sanctuary Montgomery visited for solace and inspiration, and offers the same tranquility today with its dappled shade, melodic brook, and symphony of birds. Nestled behind Green Gables House, this serene path once linked the barnyard to the pastures and now stands as one of the most iconic and beloved parts of Green Gables. As you wander down this historic lane, you might even find a lucky four-leaf clover! Discover the timeless peace and natural beauty of Lover’s Lane, and let it weave its magic on you.

Green Gables Heritage Place

Green Gables Heritage Place commemorates the house and landscape that inspired renowned Canadian author L. M. Montgomery’s famous novel, Anne of Green Gables. Explore the visitor centre, original house,19th century gardens, farmyard, walking trails - including the Haunted Wood and Lovers Lane, along with the gift shop and The Cordial Café. In July and August, enjoy animated bilingual interpretive activities and meet Anne Shirley!

One-Day L. M. Montgomery Literary Tour

The One-Day L. M. Montgomery Literary Tour recommendation involves combining the Cavendish Walking Tour along with driving to the following sites: Cavendish Shore, L.M. Montgomery Birthplace, Anne of Green Gables Museum & Lake of Shining Waters, and Senator Donald Montgomery House/The Inn at Ingleside.

L. M. Montgomery Birthplace

Lucy Maud Montgomery was born in this house on November 30, 1874, the daughter of Hugh John Montgomery and Clara Macneill Montgomery. However less than two years later Clara died of tuberculosis and Maud’s father abandoned her, so she moved to live with her grandparents at the Macneill homestead in Cavendish. Visit the bedroom where Maud was born and view a replica of her wedding dress. Also find scrapbooks on display depicting her personal life as a student at Prince of Wales College and her years as a writer and teacher.

Anne of Green Gables Museum

The Anne of Green Gables Museum

Silver Bush, as the Campbell family farm is now called, is where L.M. Montgomery’s Campbell cousins lived and where she visited throughout her life. Montgomery was married to the Rev. Ewan Macdonald in the parlour on July 5, 1911. She referred to this home as the “Wonder Castle of her childhood,” and several of her novels: The Story Girl (1911), Pat of Silver Bush (1933), and Mistress Pat (1935) were set here. Enjoy viewing Anne's enchanted bookcase, the organ on which her wedding march was played, the crazy quilt and the blue chest from The Story Girl and other artifacts written about along with personal memorabilia. Stroll the grounds and the Barry’s Pond aka the Lake of Shining Waters from Anne of Green Gables.

Lake of Shining Waters

Senator Donald Montgomery House/Inn at Ingleside

PEI Red Cliffs & Beach

Orby Head, PEI National Park

The Multi-Day L. M. Montgomery Literary Tour

The Multi-Day L. M. Montgomery Tour offers a range of options based on your schedule and preferences. Make your choices from the Inspiring Places, featuring the 16 locations most closely associated with L.M. Montgomery’s life and writing inspirations. For additional tour opportunities, explore the Related Experiences; which include other captivating places. Here are some that I toured and highly recommend. Note: there are also a number of qualified tour operators that also offer Guided Tours listed on the website.

Kensington Train Station

One-Room Schoolhouse, Avonlea Village

Plein Air Painting, Avonlea Village

Long River Church, Avonlea Village

French River

French River

Cape Tyron Cliffs

The Bideford Parsonage Museum

The Bideford Parsonage Museum is a delightful destination on the L. M. Montgomery Literary Tour. At 19 years of age, on July 28, 1894, after graduating from Prince of Wales College in Charlottetown, L.M. Montgomery boarded here with the local Methodist minister, Mr. Estey and his family, when she came to teach at Bideford #6 School. The historic home near Tyne Valley has been carefully restored to accurately reflect life in a rural homestead during the late 19th century. Tour the home with a knowledgeable guide and take a moment to gaze at the island view Maud enjoyed through her bedroom window.

Julia Purcell Art Studio

Julia Purcell is an artist that has a great passion for the writings of L. M. Montgomery. She teaches islanders and visitors alike to appreciate the island Montgomery describes in hues of emerald, ruby & sapphire through the joy of watercolour and also cyanotype, an early form of photography, practiced by Montgomery which produces stunning white images on a Prussian blue background. Learn more about Julia’s classes and her original work in her Clyde River gallery.

Courtesy of

Courtesy of

Anne & Gilbert The Musical

Anne & Gilbert The Musical delivers a performance which is equal parts high energy ensemble numbers, and heartfelt ballads with heaps of humour sprinkled in. It is staged in an intimate setting at Holland College with an orchestra of three that has a surprisingly full sound. My friend Julie & I loved every minute and highly recommend everyone who loves L. M. Montgomery’s Anne novels to see this stage production.

Confederation Centre Art Gallery’s permanent collection includes some fifteen of Montgomery’s original manuscripts, Anne of Green Gables among them; in addition, the Centre preserves and maintains other Montgomery artifacts such as her scrapbooks and wedding dress and shoes.

Courtesy of: Anne of Green Gables–The Musical™ (2024) at Confederation Centre of the Arts. Photo by Louise Vessey.

Courtesy of: Anne of Green Gables–The Musical™ (2024) at Confederation Centre of the Arts. Photo by Louise Vessey.

Anne of Green Gables The Musical

Experience the magic of Anne of Green Gables The Musical in the Confederation of the Arts Centre in Charlottetown. It premiered in 1965 and is the longest running musical theatre production in the world. With a 28-member company and a 14-member live orchestra, this classic show delivers on all levels. Watch the beloved characters of Avonlea come to life through excellent singing and stellar dance numbers. This long-standing musical is full of heart and resonates deeply with the audience. The whole cast delivers a Broadway-caliber production in a BIG WAY! Don’t miss this high-energy, humorous island favourite!

Courtesy of: Anne of Green Gables–The Musical™ (2024) at Confederation Centre of the Arts. Photo by Louise Vessey.

Dalvay By-the-Sea

Fans of Road to Avonlea and the 1990s Anne of Green Gables movies by Sullivan Entertainment Inc. will recognize Dalvay By-the-Sea as the iconic White Sands Hotel. Dalvay was first featured in the Anne of Green Gables movies, where Anne (Megan Follows) attends a recital at the White Sands Hotel and famously loses her paper sheets all over the dunes with the hotel in the background. Having lunch at Dalvay By-the-Sea was a lovely conclusion to my L. M. Montgomery Literary Tour. I do look forward to one day returning for a weekend stay sometime in the future.

Shop & Play, Gateway Village, Borden

Philippa & Fred, Anne & Gilbert - The Musical

Anne of Green Gables Store, Charlottetown

Raspberry Cordial

Shinng Waters Country Inn aka Rachel Lynde’s House

Avonlea Village

Plein Air Painting, Avonlea Village

Sir Andrew Macphail Homestead

L. M. Montgomery Scavenger Hunt

There’s so much fun to be had. Get out and learn more using the L.M Montgomery Scavenger Hunt. Download a copy and explore the L.M. Montgomery Literary Tour on Prince Edward Island. 

Kindred Spirits Inn & Cottages

During my L. M. Montgomery Literary Tour, I stayed at Kindred Spirits Inn & Cottages, located on Memory Lane next to the famous Anne of Green Gables House in Cavendish. It was the perfect hub while exploring and touring the island and it is just 1 km from Cavendish Beach, where you can watch the rolling waves or hike along the stunning cliffs as L. M. Montgomery once did. I highly recommend staying at this Inn or booking one of their cottages, as I did with my friend Julie. Our cottage had two bedrooms, a spacious living and kitchen area, a full bath, and a small deck. It provided us with a very comfortable and memorable stay.

This article was sponsored by L. M. Montgomery Literary Tour, Cavendish Beach & Central Coastal PEI; however, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Follow Maritimes Maven on FaceBook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Threads & X. Subscribe to be the first to receive my latest articles. Share articles you love with your social media community so they, too, will discover, There’s No Place Like Home!