Blue Rocks Nova Scotia

Blue Rocks

Blue Rocks is just a mere 8-minute drive from Lunenburg, on the south shore of Nova Scotia. It is a serene, tiny fishing village tucked away from the rest of the world. Fishermen and residents are just doing their thing, seemingly unaware of the breathtaking Blue Rocks haven they are working and living on. Or are they?

 A Precious Jewel

When you look closer, you can see in their knowing nods, and half waves. They have a twinkle in their eye and a subtle smile, when they acknowledge a passersby like me, (driving with her mouth agape in absolute awe). I think they know this place they call home, is more than a hidden gem - it is a precious jewel - and now, someone else has discovered her too. So, perhaps... that is why, they are just keeping very hush about it all.

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The Golden Touch


Sun-glistened, golden seaweed adorns the rugged, blue slate rocks here, sparkling brightly letting you know you are somewhere very special. It is the first of many signs, that you have arrived in a place that you will never forget.

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Life is Good!

When one has the time to decorate a shed into a piece of living art, life is good. This garden shed had me stop dead in my tracks. What fun the owner must have had watching people take it in. It brings pure joy to the beholder, and I am guessing to the gardener as well, who worked so hard to create it. Last time I visited, sadly… it was no longer. So, I am treasuring my memories of this beauty here.

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You have to be hardy to live on the edge of the world. The buildings, like the fishermen here, seem to stand proud showing they made it through another season against all of the elements. These weathered-to-perfection soldiers have stood the test of time, and will charm you with their character.

Mother Nature’s Wonderland

Whether you boat, hike, bike, walk or drive - don't miss the inner rivers and inlets too. By car, be sure to wander the side roads (often lumpy, bumpy single lanes and one car bridges) to see what. wonders film-makers have discovered deep within this community. Hikers, bikers and kayakers delight in exploring this area. It is Mother Nature's Wonderland!  

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Famous Neighbours

There's no denying, this is a special place. Many film and TV actors have fallen in love with Blue Rocks after working on location here, so much so, they purchased property. Perhaps, you should buy a little land for a hidden hideaway, too. It seems the idyllic spot to stow away. No one will ever find you here... or will they? The thing is... you just never know who your famous neighbours might turn out to be if you settle in Blue Rocks.“Fancy meeting you on my morning walk,” I would say.

Mystical Wonder

And when the fog rolls in unexpectedly… you are encapsulated in yet another mystical wonder. And as soon as it rolls in… it rolls on out again. Yet another reason to love the character and mystery of this place, that feels like it is living on the edge of time.

Let Me Be Your Muse


Blue Rocks is a muse for creative minds. Writers weave extraordinary, imaginative stories around it, and artists and photographers are inspired by its natural windswept beauty. My camera loved it here, and I honestly found it hard to tear myself away.

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FolkWorks Studio Gallery

While in Blue Rocks, be sure to visit Robert Danielis at his FolkWorks Studio Gallery. He is a folk art sculptor with a zany sense of humour. It’s 'Not the Usual Unusual,” he says when describing his own art. Look for Robert’s sculptures smattered throughout Blue Rocks. The mermaid sculpture on the turquoise home above is an example. Another mermaid greets you at his gallery, at17 The Lane, where this artist both lives and works. Robert can often be found carving his latest project in his workshop (at the end of his driveway). Go right in though, as he is very welcoming, and more than happy to give you a studio tour of his quirky folk art.  

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Living on the Edge


When you live on the edge of the ocean, you know and respect its mighty strength, and desolate everlasting beauty. People here live modestly, and are with one with nature. It can been seen in their weathered faces, strong arms and wise eyes. I think they know secrets that many of us end up spending a lifetime trying to figure out.


If Only Boats Could Talk...


Scattered boat relics lie on the shores of Blue Rocks like landmark memorials. Their owners know their mysteries but I can only imagine what adventures were had aboard these wooden vessels. They could tell some tales, I am sure of that. If only boats could talk…

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Naturally Photogenic


This picturesque little fishing shed is a popular subject of artists and photographers alike. Its naturally photogenic likeness is showcased in many nearby Lunenberg Art Galleries. It lures endless folks out of their cars to nearby shores trying to capture its essence. It is also said to be the most photographed fishing shed in the county.

The Point General


When you visit Blue Rocks, drive slowly and respect the locals. They make this their home, and kindly share it with you. Open your car windows, take it all in, and breathe the salty air. Park you car at the end of the road and pop into The Point General store. It is owned by a lovely New Zealand couple who return every summer to run this seasonal gem, that they claim it to be the smallest general store around. Enjoy a coffee, or an ice cream, or perhaps pick up some locally-baked goods, lunch items, or a made-for-you picnic basket. Discover local art & crafts, books & cards, jewellery and treasures galore all made in Nova Scotia. Tell the owners, Katherine and Danny, that the Maritimes Maven sent you! Then walk around, and savour the spectacular scenery. Enjoy our little secret haven. Shhh… Blue Rocks is our little secret now.


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